Keep your wardrobe up-to-date with these useful tips.


Your wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear?

We've all been there: standing in front of our wardrobe, seeking the perfect outfit to match the day ahead. Even with an abundance of clothes, indecision can strike swiftly. That's why we've gathered our top tips to inspire you with the treasure trove of clothing already hanging in your closet.

Frequent Refresh:  
A simple way to breathe new life into your wardrobe is by regularly rotating your clothing items, bringing back old favorites you might have forgotten. This works especially well if you store your clothes in drawers where many items go out of sight.

Looking for more space in your closet?
Consider storing only clothes that fit the season. Just like storing Christmas decorations in summer, you can do the same with your clothing. Check out our helpful tips on storing winter wear and preparing your wardrobe for spring.

Stylish Organization:
Once you're accustomed to seasonally rotating your clothes, it's the perfect opportunity to visually enhance your clothing storage. Experiment with various storage solutions and display your clothes in a way that excites you to wear them. Explore our top tips for organizing your closet in style.

Revitaliseer en Herstel:
You can also breathe new life into your clothes, making them look and feel fresh again. There are numerous ways to do this. Easily reattach a loose button with thread and needle, restore shrunken or misshapen garments by steaming to regain their natural texture, and effortlessly renew lint-covered clothes using a fabric shaver.

Clothing Swap with Friends:
If your friends are keen, organizing a clothing swap is a fantastic idea. It's an opportunity to try on and exchange clothes that you don't often wear. Ask everyone to go through their closets and select items they'd like to add to the collection.
Clothing often holds sentimental value, so borrowing and lending clothes can be an ideal solution if you're not quite ready to part with them, especially among close friends. Moreover, larger groups are increasingly involved in local clothing swaps and rental services, so explore what's available in your city

Repeat Your Favorite Looks:
We're often influenced by the idea that it's a shame to wear the same clothes too frequently. Influential figures on social media seem to have an endless supply of clothing, never seen twice in the same outfit. This creates an unrealistic image that people try to match.

In reality, from a sustainability perspective of slow fashion, it's actually commendable to repeat outfits. We need to work with what we already own. The most sustainable piece of clothing is the one you already have, so wear your favorite items proudly, time and time again.